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EMS Taxing District

1. General Information:

  1. Full Legal Name: The Pompano Beach Emergency Medical Services District
  2. EMS Public Purpose: To provide, by whatever means is deemed most appropriate by the Board of Commissioners, emergency medical services within the boundaries of the District and by contract outside the boundaries of the District when such contracts are deemed by the Board of Commissioners to be in the best interest of the District.
  3. EMS Public Purpose: The boundaries of said District shall be the boundaries of the City of Pompano Beach as they now exist or as hereafter amended.
  4. Services Provided: Emergency medical services defined as emergency diagnostic and treatment services rendered to any ill or injured person at the scene of the onset of illness or injury. Said services are rendered by paramedical personnel who perform such services at the direction of a medical practitioner at a remote location who is kept apprised of the condition of the ill or injured person by voice radio communication and telemetered physiological data.
  5. Charter/Creation Document: City of Pompano Beach Code of Ordinances - Ordinance No. 75-18
  6. Statute or Statues: Chapter 189, Florida Statutes – Uniform Special District Accountability Act
  7. Date Established: February 19, 1975
  8. Establishing Entity: City Commission of the City of Pompano Beach

2. Contact Information:

  1. 100 West Atlantic Blvd, Pompano Beach FL 33060
  2. Email Address:
  3. 954-786-4601
  4. EMS Website Address:
  5. Registered Agent: Gregory P. Harrison

3. Revenue Information:

  1. Adopted Revenues FY 2025: Line Item / Operating
  2. Millage Rate FY 2025: EMS Millage Rate: 0.5000
  3. Taxing Authority: Municipality/Depended Special District

4. General Financial Information:

  1. Fiscal Year Period: October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025
  2. Final Adopted Budget FY 2025: Line Item / Operating
  3. Budget Amendments: N/A
  4. Annual Financial Reports:
  5. Audit Reports: N/A