Applications | ||
Name | Description | Last Updated |
Building Permit Application | Uniform application for Building, Electrical, Mechanical, and Plumbing permits | 10/5/2023 |
Engineering Permit Application | Required when work impacts Right-of-Ways, roadways, swales, etc... | 6/25/2024 |
Fire Plan Review Application | Fire Prevention application detailing Life Safety features of structure | --- |
Tree Permit Application | Tree Protection, Relocation, Removal, Land Clearing/Grubbing, and Demolition | --- |
Zoning Compliance Application | Required when permits are reviewed by the Zoning division for compliance with City Ordinance. | --- |
Alarm Registration | Alarm Billing Registration | 2/1/2024 |
Change of Architect or Engineer | Submitted by a permit holder when changing the Designer of Record for an approved permit. (i.e. the Registered Architect and/or Professional Engineer.) | 4/17/2024 |
Change of Prime Contractor | Submitted by the Property Owner when changing the Prime Contractor of a permit. | --- |
Change of Subcontractor | Submitted by the Prime Contractor when changing a Sub-Contractor under their permit. | --- |
Electrical 30-Day Temporary Permit | Request for Temporary Electrical Service. Must be submitted by Electrical Permit holder ONLY if Final Inspection has not passed. | 8/22/24 |
Electric Service Turn on | Request to inspect and permanently turn-on Electrical Service. | --- |
HVHZ Permit Application | High Velocity Hurricane Zone application for Roofs and Reroofs | 1/1/2024 |
Lien Research Request | Submitted when requesting Lien and Open Records research on one or more properties. Online Requests may be made here. |
2/1/2024 |
Owner Builder Affidavit | To be completed by a Property Owner when submitting as a permit holder in lieu of a Licensed Contractor. | --- |
Revision Submittal Form | Standard Revision Narrative form; required on all new Revisions submitted after permit approval. | --- |
Sign Code Compliance Permit | Required by Zoning for details and requirements on all Sign Permits | --- |
Utility Connection and Capital Recovery Application | Used to select and purchase Water and Sewer meter service connections | --- |
Forms | ||
Name | Description | Last Updated |
A/C Replacement Data Form | County form for replacing A/C Systems, and detailing Existing and New Unit specs. | 7/02/2024 |
Building Safety Program Re-Inspection Affidavit | Prepared by an Engineer or Architect when re-inspecting a Building undergoing a required Safety Inspection process. | --- |
Certificate of Occupancy/Completion Submittal Form | Details the items being submitted as part of the Certificate of Occupancy or Completion process. | --- |
Easement Agreement | Required when performing work in an Easement of a property (Fences or Driveways) from each Utility provider impacted. | 1/21/2025 |
Fire-Rated Joint and Penetration(s) Affidavit | Certification that all penetrations are protected by approved Fire Rated Materials or Assemblies. | --- |
Flood Zone Information | Details Flood Zone information of a property for New Construction and Substantial Improvements. | --- |
Insulation Certificate | Certifies that the Thermal Insulation installed is in compliance with the FBC and approved Energy Calculations and Plans. | --- |
Non-Conversion Agreement Form | Non-Conversion Agreement for certain structures in the Floodplain. | --- |
Notice of Commencement | Required to be completed and recorded with Broward County Records prior to being submitted to Pompano on eligible jobs. | --- |
Online Notary Amendment | Required to be completed when utilizing an online Notary service instead of appearing in person to one. | --- |
Permit Maintenance Form | Used to request a permit be withdrawn, voided or put on hold. | --- |
Private Provider Package | Required to be submitted by Private Providers when performing Plan Review and/or Inspections instead of the Local Jurisdiction. | 12/10/2024 |
Retrofit Window & Door Schedule | Lists the Window(s) and/or Door(s) being replaced, along with their design pressure ratings and Product Approval Numbers. | 2/22/2024 |
Rooftop Mounted Equipment Affidavit | Identifies all rooftop mounted equipment and is required to be submitted with the HVHZ Roofing application when applicable. | --- |
Roofing Affidavit for Windstorm Loss Mitigation | Certifies that all Roof-to-Wall Connections are in compliance with FS 553.844 and FBC (Existing Building) 706.8.1 for Single-Family Residential structures (including duplexes), and that any required additional enhancements will be provided by a licensed Contractor to bring the roof system into compliance. | 7/9/2024 |
Signature Affidavit | Used by Architects and Engineers to Electronical Sign documents without using a Third-Party Certificate Authority. | --- |
Special Inspector Form | Application for using a Special Inspector under a permit. | 4/4/2024 |
Swimming Pool, Spa & Hot Tub Safety Act; Notice of Requirement | Identifies which safety method(s) are being used to meet Private Swimming Pool Safety requirements. | --- |
Sworn Statement of Account | Private Provider’s Sworn Statement that all work inspected have been completed in conformance with approved plans and required Codes. | --- |
Threshold Inspection Form | Application for using a Threshold Inspector under a permit. | --- |
Torque Certificate | Certifies that the Torque Requirements have been met per manufacturers installation instructions. | 4/1/2024 |
V-Zone Building Design and Performance Certificate | For new Construction, Substantial Improvements, and the Repair of Substantially Damaged Structures in Coast Special Flood Hazard Areas. (Zone V) | 6/3/2024 |
Water Heater Replacement Form for Dwelling Unit | County form for replacing Water Heater Systems, and detailing Existing and New Unit specs. | --- |