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Water cycle

Water Cycle

Did you know that the amount of water on Earth never changes? We have the same amount of water now, as we had from our planet's existence. Nature has been recycling water for many years, and will for many more. If water molecules could talk, they'd tell you that they have been travelling around and around. Some of the water molecules that you just drank this morning could have been part of water vapor in another part of the world, a long time ago.

The Unites States Geological Survey (USGS) infographic explains how the water cycle works. Click the picture to view larger.

The water molecule

Water Molecule

Did you know that you cannot pollute the water molecule? Anything floating around it can be easily taken away again, so all you have left is a clean, pure water molecule. After the water molecule is cleaned to its 'pure state' the water is not really tasty anymore.

Did you know that water is the only natural substance that can be found in all three physical states: liquid, solid and gas.

Water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. This means that wherever water goes, either through the ground or through our bodies, it takes along valuable chemicals, minerals, and nutrients.

Meet Squirt, our OASIS reuse water mascot

Oasis Mascot 1
Oasis Mascot 2

Elementary student Reese Hartsell from Mc Nab, won the naming contest, held in May 2014.

First Picture: Squirt at the reuse plant in Pompano Beach
Second Picture: Squirt at the Greg Norman Signature Pines Course

Did you know?

Where do we get our drinking water from?

We get our drinking water from the Biscayne Aquifer. This aquifer is an underground geologic formation where water is stored, extending from a few feet to approximately 200 feet below the land surface. The water is pumped from the aquifer to the land surface at two wellfield sites and is transported to the water treatment plant. At the plant, the water is membrane/lime softened, filtered, fluoridated and disinfected prior to entering the water distribution system.

The amount of water on earth has always been the same because water never leaves our planet. We call this a closed system. It also means that water has been recycled for a very long time. Nature recycles! Please also check on the USGS website for their Water Cycle picture for kids.

Or the Water Cycle for older students.

Do we have unlimited freshwater?

No, we don't. Of all the water that you find on Earth, only 2.5% is fresh water and most of that is locked up in ice or in the ground. Only 1.2% of all freshwater is surface water.

Why is it important to conserve water and not waste it?

The water that flows out of your tap has been treated by the drinking water plant so that it is good for you to drink and shower with. Treating this water costs time, manpower and money. (to learn more about how water is treated, please visit our water treatment tap). It also takes a lot of electricity. If everybody would be wise with water and not waste it when it comes out of the tap, the drinking water treatment plant, could treat less water. This would help save money, electricity and the environment.

What steps can I take to help conserve water?

Please click on conservation tips

More information on water conservation is mentioned on the SFWMD website.

Puzzles and fun information

Across: 1. water beneath the earth's surface 3. evaporation, condensation and precipitation are stages of the water___ 5. large body of salt water 8. like a stream 10. to contaminate 11. not dirty 12. to consume water.

Down: 1. the Awesome Aquifer Club mascot is named G.W.___ 2. to add water to an aquifer 4. vapor in the atmosphere forms___ 6. marshy area 7. water holding formation 9. a "tube" setup used to pump groundwater

Crossword Puzzle

More puzzles can be found on

Find more fun stuff on Florida DEP kid's page.

Check out the EPA's water-efficiency game and test your WaterSense here.