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Forever King

Pompano Beach Cultural Center
Feb 24 | 7:30 pm

Performed in French.

Forever King is a true musical journey retracing the three great eras of Elvis Presley's career, the 50s, 60s and 70s. Mathieu Nardi accompanied by 4 musicians recreate these moments when Elvis unleashed the crowds with his avant-garde stage performance. You will literally be transported back in time!

Forever King est un véritable voyage musical retraçant les trois grandes époques de la carrière d’Elvis Presley, les années 50, 60 et 70. Mathieu Nardi accompagné de 4 musiciens recréent ces moments où Elvis déchaînait les foules avec son jeu de scène avant-gardiste. Vous serez littéralement transporté dans le temps!

Please note: WOW Events, Inc has privately leased the facility. This production is not presented or produced by City of Pompano Beach Cultural Center.

Forever King