Progress in Pompano! Dixie Hwy/Atlantic Blvd Streetscape FAQs
As the progress continues with the new lane alignment along Atlantic Boulevard and Dixie Highway, it’s important that factual information is provided to the public, so we created this FAQ sheet to address your questions and concerns.
First, we want to take a moment to thank all of you for your participation in helping us create a better City for you, your family, and our future. Progress is a process, and sometimes it can get a little messy and we are in that phase right now. But with your patience and understanding, we will create a magnificent new Downtown that we will all enjoy and be proud of.
Why do we need a new Intersection at Dixie Hwy/Atlantic Blvd?
Successful cities have a very good balance between cars and pedestrians, and this intersection is inhospitable to both. Crossing eleven lanes of traffic is not only extremely dangerous for pedestrians, but it’s also incompatible for the future downtown. When the traffic becomes overwhelming for an intersection's intended purpose, that location has to be re-evaluated and improved. With this realignment, including beautification of trees, wider sidewalks and safer crosswalks, we can create an attractive entrance to the new Downtown.
As some of you may recall, it was just a few years ago when we experienced the growing pains of creating a world-class beachfront. That process began with a new streetscape, the addition of parking, and then the creation of the Fishing Village and surrounding area. The lane reductions along the beach were also of concern, however, it took time, but now, our redeveloped beach is beloved by residents, admired by tourists, and praised by the media. So, as we enter this next phase of our Downtown redevelopment, know that we remain committed to creating a City that our generation, and the next, will be very proud of!
Why is the Pre-construction pilot program underway leading into Fall/Winter traffic?
We must plan for the future with accurate information therefore, we need to analyze the traffic impact during the busiest time of the season, when the traffic counts are the highest.
Are there any plans to address the traffic light timing of this intersection?
Yes, the traffic lights will be reprogramed for better flow during the pre-construction pilot program, as well as after construction, based on traffic flow and will be continuously monitored.
It appears traffic on I-95 is being impacted by this, has that been reviewed with FDOT?
Yes, the City and FDOT have been working together. FDOT has reviewed our traffic analysis and approved our plans west of NW 6th Avenue.
It has been said that this will be a more pedestrian friendly option? For what pedestrians?
Currently, there are very few people walking across the intersection as it is far too dangerous. However, the City is in the process of creating a world-class Downtown, connecting our cultural assets within the Old Pompano area. With an expanding cultural scene, the continued growth of Old Pompano and the future development of the area, a walkable Downtown is imperative for our future. The area is currently very blighted and we must adapt to ensure the continued prosperity of our City. We are building for the future of Pompano Beach and the City’s continued economic, social and cultural success.
How will this project make the area safer?
The primary concern in any plan is the safety of our residents. This road realignment will create a much safer environment for pedestrians today and those of tomorrow that will be enjoying the magnificent new downtown in the future.
Here is a quick read on understanding traffic calming measures: https://globaldesigningcities....
Are there recommended alternative routes?
Part of the process of creating a walkable Downtown is calming traffic and having residents and visitors learn new routes to access their desired destination. Alternative routes include:
North and South: Andrews Avenue; Powerline Road; US 1/Federal Highway; Cypress Road
East and West: SW 3rd Street (Racetrack Road); Copans Road, Sample Road; NE 62nd Street; Commercial Boulevard
For more information on this project please see our blog post at the link below: